The GLSAC Panel and Mr Richard Wynne responded to the strong submissions from across the community
Official announcement video on what the development will deliver Gasworks Video
Gasworks is now to be an Examplar Integrated Development
Maximum of 10 storeys
Minimum 20% Affordable Housing
The new portal for the Fitzroy Gasworks engagement is open :
Members of our wonderful community gathered together at the North Fitzroy Library "Bargoonga Nganjin" to be informed, debate and decide on a number of resolutions. These community resolutions are the centrepiece of the PFN submission to the Planning Minister's Gasworks Advisory Commitee Hearing.
Please click through to download your copy of the Community Resolutions. They are dead brilliant.
The rest of this page explores the issues in the resolutions as well as other issues related to the Gasworks development.
The balance of the Protect Fitzroy North submission covered the issues highlighted in our expert report, the council's expert reports and the Development Victoria submissions.
Click Thru to download your copy of the Community Commissioned Export Report
Click Thru to the Gasworks Expert Reports Folder on PFN Google Drive
This is a link to The Age Article on Gasworks published late March in case you missed it.