The Protect Fitzroy North Committee welcomes all our members, to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Protect Fitzroy North.
We look forward to you joining in our review of the past year and future plans.
Date: Wednesday 29th January
Time: 7:15pm - 7:45pm (Open from 7:00pm)
Location: Garrong - Seminar Room 2, Bargoonga Nganjin
182-186 St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North VIC 3068
- Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country
- Confirm the Previous AGM Meeting Minutes on Monday 26th February 2024
- Receive the President's Report
- Receive the financial statements of the Association to June 30th 2024
- Declare all Office Bearer & Committee positions vacant, then
- Elect a President
- Elect a Treasurer
- Elect a Secretary
- Decide the number of committee members and elect the committee.
Note: Currently an 8 member committee.
- To confirm the amount of annual subscriptions and joining fees (if any)
- Any Other Business (AOB)
- Adjourn to a nearby eatery/drinkery
A quorum of 10% of the members is required to constitute the meeting.
If you wish to appoint a proxy please email the Secretary at - you guessed it -, or hand it to the chair prior to the meeting.
The meeting chair will call for nominations for each of the positions above in turn.
All current members are paid up members until 30 June 2025 after receipt of dues.
Membership subscriptions for 2024/2025 are now due and are currently:
Single $25 Family $35 Concessional $15